Romanick Discipleship International Ministries

is a Bible-based, evangelistic, 501(c)3 nonprofit, and Spirit-empowered ministry founded in 2021 by Paul & Rita Romanick.  

RDIM (Romanick Discipleship International Ministries) is a Bible-based, evangelistic, and Spirit-empowered ministry founded in 2021 by Paul & Rita Romanick.  

We are all about people because God is all about people. One of the ways we express our love for Him is by intentionally demonstrating our love for people by leading the lost to Jesus and by helping individuals, pastors, and church congregations to grow in their relationship with the Lord through discipleship and doing life God’s way. 


We are unapologetic and passionate disciples of Jesus Christ!

We have been active in joint ministry since 1998.  We were ordained and awarded Certificates of General License by Harvest Network International (HNI). We have faithfully served as lay leaders, volunteers, Bible instructors, and small group leaders for multiple congregations in Alabama, Colorado, Florida, and Virginia. 

Since 2007, we have co-labored on numerous missions trips to Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand serving for Dr. Paul Ai and Vision Outreach International (VOI). These experiences molded our passion for strategic missions work and clearly demonstrated to us how vital it is to equip indigenous church movements through focused training, discipleship, and empowerment.

We have worked as self-supported, full-time missionaries since 2014.  As the Global Director for AIMS Strategic Missions Training, Paul was instrumental in developing and deploying the Introduction To Strategic Missions (ITSM) training system for maximizing global evangelization and church planting among Unreached People Groups (UPGs), especially within 10-40 Window.  In conjunction with the AIMS Team, we have organized, managed, and conducted over 230 AIMS ITSM Training activities in the U.S. and 25 nations over the past 9 years.

Partner with RDIM

You can partner with RDIM financially with a recurring or a one-time contribution of any amount.

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What We Offer

RDIM provides Scripture-based instruction, consulting, equipping, partnership, and connecting services in foundational Christ-centered disciplines:

Teach and Mentor Discipleship Fundamentals

In the Great Commission, Jesus called us to be His disciples as well as to make new disciples.  But you can’t make a disciple if you are not a disciple yourself!

We will answer the following questions and guide you to effective discipleship processes for yourself and your congregation:  

  • What exactly is encompassed in the Great Commission mandate for all Believers and the Global Church (Body of Christ)?
    • Examine the four essential components of the Great Commission.
    • Understand the prophetic promise for our obedience.
  • What exactly is a disciple according to the Bible?
  • How is a disciple different from a follower or a convert?
  • What does the Word of God tell us about disciples?
  • What is the work of the ministry and who does it?

Conduct Strategic Missions Training and Seminars

We want to help you discover how you can make a difference in God’s Kingdom – as an individual, a church congregation, a small group, or an organization. 

We do this by performing three functions, at your request: 

  1. We will present an Introduction to Strategic Missions (ITSM) Training Conference for pastors and ministry leaders, church congregations, missions organizations, and small groups at your location.
  2. We will present an ITSM Missions Strategy Workshop for your church staff or missions leadership team.  
  3. We can introduce individuals and small groups to the FREE ITSM Online Overview Lessons to acquire God’s heart for missions. 

Cast Vision for Unreached People Groups (UPGs) and UPG Adoptions

Did you know that nearly 60,000 people die every day without ever hearing the name of Jesus, ever meeting a pastor or any Christian, or even seeing a Christian church?  

We will introduce you to Unreached People Groups – who they are, where they are located, and what are the most effective ways to share the Gospel of Jesus with them and initiate a church-planting movement in their midst through sponsoring UPG Adoptions.

Encourage and Assist in Initiating Small Groups

Effective discipleship happens in small groups, not large church services!  Jesus modeled small group discipleship ministry for us and the Book of Acts provides us with an efficient template for multiplying disciples in the Body of Christ.

We will describe what a church-planting movement is and what its relationship is to small group ministry in the church.

We will introduce basic fundamentals and principles for establishing an effective small group ministry in the local church.

Recognize the Importance of Intentional Personal Evangelism

Most Christians do not understand nor actively participate in the Great Commission – they have never personally led anyone to the Lord.

We are called by Jesus to introduce and lead the lost souls within our circle of influence to Him.

We will show you why we need to faithfully obey this fundamental assignment and how easy it actually is to share Jesus through our own personal testimony – with family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and even new acquaintances we may meet.

Introduce God’s Kingdom Economy

The spirit of mammon is perhaps the greatest direct enemy of God in the world today! Greed, pride, selfishness, possessions, and compromise block us from experiencing God’s promises and favor.  

This five-part seminar will teach you about God’s Kingdom Economy and clearly show how you can prosper by faithfully following God’s principles for managing the provision He has entrusted to your stewardship.  Finally, Missions Offerings and Faith Promise Giving provide the fiscal engine that facilitates and enlarges strategic missions to the unreached people – from the local outreach levels to the ends of the earth (Acts1:8).

We are blessed to be a blessing!

Recommend Discipleship Resources and Referrals

This website is dedicated to connecting you with ministry materials (books, teaching series, messages, and other resources) that align to the core ministry focus areas of RDIM and will facilitate your spiritual growth as a dedicated disciple of Jesus.

By no means are these recommended resources an exhaustive list – they are materials and ministries that we have personally connected with, learned from, and consider reliable Bible-based sources of knowledge and understanding that can educate and inspire you. Check them out and enjoy the wealth of information, revelation, and wisdom available.