
Discipleship is an essential component in the spiritual growth and maturation of every Christian. Our heart’s desire is to:

  • Help you discover, develop, and deploy your spiritual gifts.
  • Clearly identify your unique calling supporting God’s Kingdom.
  • Show how you can be a dynamic participant in Jesus’ Great Commission.

This is a teaching page – it will provide you with general orientation and instruction to the core ministry focus of RDIM. You will read and be exposed to truths and principles that may challenge your previous beliefs or understanding.  You can dive as deep as you desire into the various topical emphasis areas.  Keep an open mind and heart to what the Lord will reveal to you in this process. 

Our prayerful challenge for you is to ask the Holy Spirit: What are You saying to me through these teachings and how can or should I apply them to my life, my family, and my ministry activities?

But first please consider a vital, common-sense question:  if you knew you were going to die within the next hour and you had gathered your immediate family (spouse, children, parents, siblings), other close relatives, and dearest friends around you, what would be the last – and most significant – thing you would wish to pass along to these your loved ones?

  • Would it be anything trivial (like last week’s sports scores, an incident of road rage, how to cook your favorite food, a sale going on next week, etc.)?  Not likely!
  • It would probably be the most important truth or lesson you learned in life that you wanted to pass on or reemphasize to your loved ones.  Correct?
  • That is precisely what Jesus did for His disciples (that includes us) in the Great Commission before He arose into heaven.  He focused on the most imperative thing He wanted us, as individual Believers and His church, to continue and accomplish what He initiated. Then He will return for His Kingdom!

What exactly is discipleship?  Consider these four characteristics:

  • Discipleship is the state of being a dedicated student of a master teacher or leader.
  • Discipleship means much more than the simple transfer of information or knowledge – it signifies a deep relationship and allegiance with a master teacher (Jesus).
  • Discipleship is about connecting all Believers to the two predominant principles that Jesus gave us: the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
  • Discipleship occurs when you intentionally train, equip, and release the people you lead or influence to go do for others what you have done for them.

So, let’s discover and explore the essential reasons why we are here and why Jesus established His church – to fulfill God’s purpose, vision, and strategy.