What is included in the free, self-paced ITSM Online Course:
- Module 1 – God’s Master Plan
- Align our vision and methods with God’s purpose, vision, strategy, and methods.
- Module 2 – The Mission
- Understand God’s passion to finish His mission.
- Thoroughly understand the Biblical foundations for strategic missions.
- Module 3 – The State of the World Missions
- Recognize current state of God’s mission worldwide.
- Identify the barriers and solutions for reaching UPGs.
- Understand the good and bad news associated with progress in strategic missions.
- Module 4 – Personalizing the Great Commission
- Understand the steps necessary to personalize the Great Commission – Acts 1:8 Christian.
- Understand the goals and attributes of a church mobilized for strategic missions to UPGs.
- Discover eight best practices of churches engaged in missions.
- Module 5 – Unreached People Group Adoption
- Learn a step-by-step process for adopting and engaging with unreached people groups to establish a church planting movement among them.
- Understand the seven component steps required to accomplish a fruitful UPG Adoption.
- Know how to organize and deploy a UPG Adoption Team.
- Know how to help support an indigenous field worker or UPG church plant through a holistic project.
Contact the AIMS website to enroll and complete this training.