Definitions: Discipleship

  • Discipleship is the process of connecting all Believers to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, the two overriding principles that Jesus presented to us.
  • Discipleship is the state of being a dedicated student of a master teacher or leader.
    • Purposefully imitating their ethics, character traits, and lifestyle.
    • Intentionally adopting and emulating their values.
    • Steadfastly learning and executing their priorities.
    • Consistently replicating their behavior with excellence.
    • Faithfully duplicating and spreading their teachings to those who don’t know.
  • Discipleship means much more than the simple transfer of information or knowledge – it signifies a deep relationship and allegiance with a master teacher (Jesus) – following Him and holding to His way of life because His teaching (TRUTH) shapes your worldview.
  • Discipleship occurs when you train, mentor, equip, and release the people you lead or influence, including:
    • Your family sphere of influence: your spouse, children, siblings, parents, and extended family members.
    • Those in your personal and workplace spheres of influence: co-workers, friends, associates, neighbors, customers, and acquaintances.
    • Those in your ministry sphere of influence: members of your ministry team, volunteers in your groups, people you fellowship with, and Small Group members.
    • And especially those you have personally led to salvation in Jesus and into the Kingdom of God!