What Is A Disciple? – Biblical Perspectives

FIRST, a DISCIPLE is a person who observes all things Jesus commanded.

  • Matthew 28:20 – “… teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you …”
    • You must continue in Jesus’ instructions and declarations (committed obedience) if you’re going to be His disciple. This should be the primary objective of every single Christian!   
    • If you’re going to be a disciple of Jesus, you can’t observe only the parts of the Word that you like.  If your attitude, your doctrine, or your worldview doesn’t line up with the Word of God, you need to change, not try to alter or reinterpret the Word of God to your liking.
  • If you are truly born again, love God, and you’re headed to heaven, but you still hold fast to viewpoints and cultural standards that are completely opposite to what the Word says, then you don’t love the Word.
    • You haven’t been taught or chosen “to observe all things” as Jesus commanded.
    • You are definitely not a disciple!

SECOND, the Law of Christ provides another description of a true DISCIPLE.

  • “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
    • How do we obey Jesus and fulfill what He commanded us?
    • According to Paul, through unconditional love, we bear one another’s burdens.
    • It’s that simple!
  • What is the Law of Christ you might ask? It is better known as the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40) – Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” 
    • This is the foundation for the Great Commission!
    • The law of Christ flies in the face of today’s me-first, fast-paced, self-centered, and chaotic secular humanist culture.
  • Being a disciple of Jesus is not simply loving and helping those who are like you; rather, it is loving everyone — even your enemies — and seeking to bear their burdens.     
  • We must also choose better relationships! That means praying for and planting the seeds of faith in those around us (especially family) but avoiding toxic people who will consistently try to lead you astray and create pain, conflict, disunity, and discord in your lives.
  • How badly do we want to be disciples of the Lord? If we’re truly serious about it, we must do what He commanded; we must unconditionally love one another.
  • This is the mark of discipleship.  We must love the person, but still hate and resist their sinful lifestyle, lie-based thinking, compliance with deception, and compromised integrity and morals!

THIRD, a true DISCIPLE is a person who studies, obediently conforms, and teaches others.

  • Ezra 7:10– “Now Ezra had determined in his heart to study the law of the LORD, obey it, and teach its statutes and ordinances in Israel”.
  • In both Hebrew and Greek languages, the word for “disciple” means “student.” A disciple, then, is one who studies (and is teachable). We tend to use the term disciple to mean a follower, but that is not the biblical concept of a disciple.
  • Ezra provides the model of a biblical disciple: one who studies, who diligently applies/does, and who then teaches others.
  • In fact, this is the progression of biblical discipleship: study leads to doing, and as one progresses with studying and doing, he or she gains the capability to teach others (knowledge, understanding, experience, credibility, and wisdom).
  • Agape love (biblical) is a decision, not an emotional response!
  • Biblical discipleship requires study – it’s at the very core of discipleship: “The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher” (Luke 6:40).
    • Our teacher is Jesus – through the guidance, understanding, and wisdom provided by the Holy Spirit!
  • We must enthusiastically and consistently pursue knowledge, understanding, and wisdom:
    • Reading and meditating on God’s Word (we can’t afford to be Biblically illiterate).
    • Pursuing qualified and reliable Biblical mentors and teachers.
    • Maintaining a teachable attitude and spirit.
    • Seeking teachings and insight from sources other than just your pastor at Sunday services.
    • Actively participating in Small Groups.
  • Jesus called us to be His disciples and to make disciples! (NOT just converts or followers).
As shown in the Scriptures, there are five important characteristics of a DISCIPLE of Jesus – these are synonymous with the qualities of God Himself:
  1. A Disciple is filled with unconditional love – patient, kind, and gentle. (Psalm 86:15, Galatians 5:22 – Fruit of the Spirit).
  2. A Disciple lives a life that is submitted to God’s will (Philippians 1:6).
  3. A Disciple lives a sacrificial life on behalf of others (Romans 12:1).
  4. A Disciple works diligently (Ephesians 2:9; James 2:18).
  5. A Disciple embraces the good in others (Ephesians 4).

NOTE:  These five qualities are by no means all-inclusive – there is so much more to God and our maturity as a disciple of Jesus!

The New Testament, unlike many current (errant) doctrines, equates being a Christian with being a disciple of Jesus!

  • In fact, the term “disciple” is used around 270 times in the New Testament.
  • As opposed to the term “Christian” – which is used only 3 times.
  • Or as opposed to the term “follower” – which is virtually never used (depending upon the Bible translation you consult).

Becoming A Disciple of Jesus

  • We must become disciples of Jesus – we must learn what it means for us to be a disciple.
  • Jesus called us to be His disciples and to make disciples!

Self-Examination – Are you a follower or disciple of Jesus?

  • How can you tell?  By your fruit!
    • Have YOU made a committed effort to study and follow the instructions given by Jesus?
    • Have YOU tried to discover, develop, and deploy your God-given abilities and gifts to improve and expand His kingdom – to fulfill His unique purpose for you?
    • Do YOU actively participate in the church congregation where you are planted (volunteer, hospitality, outreaches, Bible study, Small Groups, etc.)?
    • Have YOU given the Holy Spirit permission to bring transformation to your life – enable you to comply obediently with God’s will and purposes for you?
    • Have YOU determined to make a positive difference in the lives of others by actively participating or leading a functional Small Group?
    • Have YOU purposefully cultivated fruit for the Kingdom of God?
    • Are YOU a spiritual contributor or just a consumer? 
  • There is no better time than right now to change your spiritual trajectory and start vigorously becoming a devoted disciple of Jesus – then YOU can start making disciples too!