A people group is considered unreached when there is no indigenous community of Jesus followers able to engage them with the message of Jesus Christ.
According to Joshua Project, there are over 7,220 unreached people groups representing 3.44 billion people (over 42.6 percent of the world’s population!)
Technically speaking, less than 2 percent of the population actively follows Jesus. Most missiologists consider 2 percent of the population becoming Christ-followers as the “tipping point” at which the group can effectively spread the gospel throughout their own community without outside assistance.
Many unreached people groups are located in regions where speaking the name of Jesus is forbidden. Others lack the ability to access the Bible in their language. Others still wait for local or foreign believers to cross cultural divides to share the Gospel with them. Simply put, unreached people groups have little or no access to the message of Jesus.
For more in-depth information about Unreached People Groups and a complete demographic listing of UPGs, please contact the Joshua Project website.