Five Principles for Small Groups: (John 13-17) Jesus started His Small Group (Mark 3:13) – He selected the 12 apostles to be with Him and destroy the works of the devil.

  1. SERVING each other = partnership (John 13:8, 12)

Jesus was a prime example of serving His apostles and others – we should serve others too. 

To truly serve others, we need to know what their needs are. 

We can’t effectively do that through the corporate church at Sunday services – but we can do it through the Small Groups.

We must find the needs and fill them.

Facilitate an atmosphere of giving and serving each other.

2. ENCOURAGEMENT = give courage and have faith (John 14:2, 13-14, 25-27)

When people who know and care about me encourage me, that encouragement strengthens me.

3. PRODUCTIVITY = produce fruit through the Life Group (John 15:16-17)

Synergy = team concept  the sum of the group is greater than the sum of the individual efforts.

Results come faster by working together in small groups, there is little we can’t accomplish.

4. PROTECTION = accountability and teaching – speak God’s word and life into each other (John 16:1).

Living out the word of God in our daily lives – share testimonies to help each other avoid or escape from individual or family problems (“Been there, got the t-shirt!”).

Communicate warnings and correction in love, respect, and humility.

5. PRAYER = always support each other through prayer (John 17:6, 9-26)

Specific and directed prayer in a timely and situational manner.

Healing, correction, wisdom through the Holy Spirit.

Prayer whenever it is needed – take responsibility for each other.