• Network Marketing Analogy
    • Have you ever eaten at a restaurant (excellent meal, service, and value) or found an especially good sale, and then shared the news with someone else (family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, etc.)?  We all have a personal testimony to share…
    • This is a form of network marketing – only you aren’t getting paid to the referrals.
    • If you are so willing and able to share something as trivial as a meal or a sale – and you can appreciate how much that God has done for you – then why would you even hesitate to share the good news of Jesus?
    • It is YOUR testimony!
    • By The Wayspeaking of network marketing, are you aware that Jesus actual instituted the concept?  He had 3 in His inner circle; 12 direct disciples – whom He sent out to make more disciples; then 60, then 125; then 600+…
    • Why do we sit back and wait for the pastor or selected missionaries to evangelize the lost, when it is clearly our assignment? 
    • What is the work of the ministry? To save the lost and make disciples! Everything else is peripheral or subordinate.